Pack contains 1oz of Resin:
Ingredients Resin for burning on charcoal tabs or alone using scented powders and ols sued for each different chakra's. Other beneficial herbs added designed speciafically for each chakra to heal, help with meditation and many other uses. Incense resin has an incredible effect on the brain, it has been used in multiple healing practices.
Crown Chakra: 7th: The Sahasrara: Chakra is located at the very top of the head is our universal connection to beauty and spirituality. It is associated with God (or your particular belief system), spirituality, divine wisdom, enlightening, connection to the universe, imagination, awareness, and optimism. It is the center of connecting to something greater than oneself, and expressing wisdom and enlightenment.
Third Eye Chakra: 6th: Ajna: Helps you to trust your inner voice and wisdom. Also helps you to see the truth clearly, giving you direction and intuition.
Throat Chakra: 5th: Vishuddha: Helps you to communicate your truth clearly, takes away anxiety and helps you to articulate your thoughts and emotions clearly. Helps to control fear of judgement.
Heart Chakra: 4th: Anahata: Bridges the body, lower body and upper spirit chakra. Helps to show compassion, self love, helps with relationships and spirituality. Allows you to live freely and enjoy relationships and have empathy, compassion
Solar Plexus Chakra: 3rd: Manipura: Helps with self esteem, personal power, will and ego.
Sacral Charka: 2nd: Svadhistahana: Represents your creativity and sexuality. Gives you joy and are able to have healthy relationships with others.
Root Chakra: 1st: Muladhara: Base of spine, represents safety, security and survival. Helps you feel stable, safe and fearless. If you feel preoccupied with fear and anxiety about your well being even greed, or have lower back or colon problems, this is the chakra that needs clearing.
Anointing: Frankincense, Myrhh. Cinnamon, Olive, oil, Cassia. This oil has been used by the most high for healing and anointing.
Packaged in 1/2 oz size 25 varieties available
Chakras are the centers in your body in which energy flows.
The word “chakra” from Sanskrit translates to “disk” or wheel” and represents a spiritual energy center within your body. The chakra system corresponds to physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual states of being and impacts all areas of your life.
Within each of the chakras is the ultimate pure healing energy, known as ‘prana’, that keeps your happy, healthy, and vibrantly alive.